Well, we just experienced one of the most beautiful Octobers that I can remember!! We actually saw a pick up in activity with showings and I directly associate that pick up with the warm beautiful weather.
Now for the stats: Home sales are down this year compared to last year, down about 10%. From Jan. 1st through October 31st there have been 61 home sales compared to 67 last year in the same time period. I’m not knocking 61 home sales, thats a decent year, just not as good as last year.
Now, condo sales are a different story. There have been 9 sales this year compared to 23 the previous year, thats down 61%!! The last time condo sales were this low was in 2009 when 11 units sold, then 2010 when 7 units sold and 2011 when 9 unit sold. These are the years when sales everywhere were slow. I don’t really know why sales are down so much but I do have my theories.
If you would like to talk more about home or condo sales I am always glad to do so. Email me at jeffadie@gmail.com or call my cell 603-568-0609